Getting to Inverkip
able2sail is located at Inverkip Marina, Inverkip PA16 0AW which is approximately a 1-hour drive from Glasgow.
Details of how to reach Inverkip Marina by road and by rail can be found at (please note the station is a good 20-minute walk via a very steep road).
Upon arrival at Inverkip Marina please follow signs for Buckleys Restaurant (red roofed building) and park in the available parking bays.
Volunteers from able2sail will meet you at the designated meeting point sign with your life jackets and escort you to the yacht safely.

Arrival Times
You have had your sail dates and time confirmed by our Client Coordinators. Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time of your sailing session:
Morning Sail – Crew will meet you at 10 a.m. for a 12.30 p.m. finish
Afternoon Sail – Crew will meet you at 1.30 p.m. for a 3.30 p.m. finish
All-day Sail – Crew will meet you at 10 a.m. for a 3.30 p.m. finish
Contact on Sail Day
It is really important that if for any reason you have to change plans on the day of your sail, preventing you from joining us or if you are running late, please call the boat to inform the Skipper on 07907798250.
What to Bring
We are sailing in Scotland and we know our weather is changeable whilst waterproofs and all safety equipment (including lifejackets) will be provided, you should bring:
- Any medication required for the period you will be away (plus spare).
- Warm clothing (many layers are best). Spare items never go amiss- even in sunny weather it can be cold at sea.
- Soft non-marking soles on shoes or waterproof boots.
- Warm hat, gloves, sunhat, sunglasses.
- Sun cream.
- Seasickness pills- check with your pharmacist to decide on the best brand, especially if you are taking other medication.
- Personal belongings such as camera, phone*
Please pack all of the above into a soft holdall type of bag.
*Please note that you are responsible for the safe use, storage and security of your personal equipment. able2sail cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal equipment.
Light refreshments (tea, coffee, water, juice and snacks) will be available during your trip but lunch will not be provided.
You are very welcome to bring extra food and drink although please note that drinking alcohol and smoking is not allowed aboard the yacht.
Onboard Facilities
Yes – there are actually two and they work just like a normal toilet!
Toilets are also available ashore at Inverkip (including accessible facilities), please ask the volunteers and they will direct you to these.
T: 0141 266 0202
Address: Kip Marina, Inverkip, Greenock PA16 0AW
A charity registered in Scotland (SC047188).